We are thrilled to offer the Miss Representation curriculum to all types of educators. The curriculum is designed to engage students in three aspects of learning:
1) DEVELOP a more critical eye toward media and understand how gender representations influence the ways that we see each other and ourselves.
2) CRITIQUE media images as they begin to recognize the qualities that make for good leadership and uncover ways that they can act as allies for each other to support an end to stereotyping.
3) CREATE their own media images to respond to the dearth of positive representations of women and girls.
Additionally, we have incorporated a centering activity, which can be used to allow students to decompress after participation in the more difficult lessons.
Since American youth consume upwards of 11 hours of media per day (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2010), it is important for even early elementary students to begin to think critically about media messages.
“I am going to devote 2 class periods each semester for all my English classes to focus on this issue. It is SO relevant and SO accurate. My students became very open, transparent, and vulnerable as they discussed the struggles they face in our culture with distorted and biased representation of what it means to be a man and/or woman.”
– Carol Lane, Instructor, Butte College and Yuba College (Oroville, CA)
Educators and mentors use our films and curricula in classrooms, after-school programs, athletic teams, and community education events. The Miss Representation Curriculum is available with the purchase of a Single Classroom License, Whole School License, Community License, or for FREE HERE. The curriculum can be used with or without the film.
The curriculum provides up to eight weeks of 30 – 60 minute lesson plans to help workshop attendees develop the following:
• Grades K – 5: PDF Curriculum with 13 lesson plans, activities, and resources, including embedded age-appropriate digital film clips to use in place of the film.
• Middle & High School: PDF Curriculum with 16 lesson plans, activities, and resources, including age-appropriate embedded digital film clips.
• High School, Colleges & University (and Workshop Use): PDF Curriculum with 21 lesson plans, activities, and resources for high school age and post-secondary age (workshop participants), including embedded digital film clips.
See our curriculum overview here.