In response to Ohio mother Abi Bechtel, Target is removing gender-based labeling from its toy department. What did she do to cause this important shift? She simply tweeted this photo at her local store:
Unnecessary gender-labeling like this perpetuates harmful stereotypes, such as building is for boys and nurturing is for girls. We want our children to have equal access to dolls, action figures, and blocks, regardless of their gender!
Let’s join Bechtel and demand top retailers stop perpetuating limiting stereotypes, especially when it comes to our kids. Tweet at the other leading chains and ask them to follow Target’s lead:
[button url=”!%20Let%27s%20help%20everyone%20reach%20their%20potential%3A&tw_p=tweetbutton&” text=”TWEET AT WALMART” align=”center”]
[button url!%20Let%27s%20help%20everyone%20reach%20their%20potential%3A&tw_p=tweetbutton&” text=”TWEET AT TOYS-R-US” align=”center”]
If you’re not on Twitter, send an email to Walmart at and Toys-R-Us at Together, we can challenge and overcome limiting stereotypes so that everyone, regardless of gender, race, class, age, sexual orientation, or circumstance, can fulfill their human potential.
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Together, let’s challenge and overcome limiting stereotypes and injustices so that everyone can be their authentic selves: